Please complete this form to schedule a date with me. The more information you provide, the easier it is for me to connect with you…and you do want to connect with me, don’t you?
I love meeting people of all ages, genders, ethnicities, and abilities. I only refuse clients who are rude or attempt to push my boundaries (so please don’t do that).
You may email or text me directly, but be aware that I give priority to clients who send me complete introductions. One-word texts, crude or explicit language, or incomplete emails will go to the bottom of my list. My email address is, and my phone number is 206-419-6728. I’m not available for unscheduled phone calls, but you are welcome to leave me a voicemail.
Here’s a sample introductory email that you’re welcome to use as a template:
Hi Tabitha! My name is (full name), my username is (username), my number is (phone number), and my email is (email). You can find me on (social media handles). I would like to set up a (type of session) on (day of week), (date), at (time) for (desired session duration.). I am a (age range)-ish (career description), and I enjoy (hobbies). Thank you and I hope to hear back from you soon!